Any grammatical analysis
can be divided into two parts, one of which is about the superficial or
apparent structure of sentences, the other about the sentences' underlying
structure. For example, we can take the following pair of sentences:
John is easy to please.
John is eager to please.
Syntactically both these
sentences seem to be alike but they are not so. Considering the meaning implied
in these sentences, we find that the function of John is that of subject in one
case and that of object in the other. Both these sentences have identical
surface structures but different deep structures. The surface structure is
actually produced structure. It refers to the sentence as it is pronounced or
written. The deep structure is the abstract structure that allows the native
speaker of a language to know what the sentence means. It may then be said that
the deep structure expresses the semantic contents of a sentence, whereas the
surface structure of a sentence determines its phonetic form. Transformation
functions as a link between deep structure of sentences and their surface
structures. For example
Surface structure Deep structure
Visiting doctors can be
nuisance. 1.We visit doctors.
It can be nuisance.
2. Doctors visit us.
They can be nuisance.
Noam Chomsky adopts an
I.C. analysis to provide information about the constituent structure of
sentences. This he refers to as `Phrase Structure Grammar'. For example,
instead of analyzing the sentence
The boy killed the dog,
The boy killed the dog
in which the order of
decision, which produced the analysis, is not explicit ( where was second cut
made) and the relationship between various cutting points is unclear, Chomsky
develops a notation which both orders the analytic decisions and formally
relates them to each other by deriving each decision from some previous one.
The way used by Chomsky in syntactic structures, is as follows:
Sentence (S)--------NP
(noun phrase) + VP (verb phrase)
VP----------NP + V
NP----------Det + N
Here we have the concept
of sentence and an initial statement about the internal structure in the first
We are told that
sentences in a language basically consisting of two elements-noun phrase and
verb phrase. But we have not been yet told what `noun phrase' and `verb phrase'
are. So the next rule makes these concepts more clear and explicit. The `verb
phrase' consists of two elements - a noun phrase and a verb. Referring the
first rule now we have-
S------NP + V + NP
The third rule adds more
information about NP, which consists of a `determiner' and a `noun'. Now the
form will be as follows:
S------Det + N + V + Det
+ N
replacing each element
in the string D + N + V + D + N by one of these, we can get `The boy killed the
boy' or `The dog killed the boy'. Both these are possible sentences in English,
and thus the grammar has some generative capacity. By increasing the number of
vocabulary items in the last three rules, we, of course, increase the number of
sentences that these rules can generate.
The first component of
generative grammar which consisted of rules that took an initial element (S)
and assigned to it a particular phrase structure; these rules then would
produce strings of elements which represented the underlying structure of a
sentence. The second component consisted of transformational rules - rules
which operated on the strings produced by the phrase structure component and
altered then in various ways (by turning active string into passive one, by
altering word order, by adding inflections and so on) making various
relationship between different types of sentences explicit. The passive
transformation, for example, alters the order of elements in active sentence
and adds three further elements: (a form of the verb `be' in the appropriate
tense; a particle `by' to indicate the agent following, and a past particle
affix, symbolized as - en, attached to main verb). One formation of this rule
can be as follows:
The boy will kick the
ball-----The ball will be kicked by the boy.
NP1 + Aux + Verb +
NP2--NP2 +Aux + be +V + by + NP1
where NP1 stands for the
first noun phrase and NP2 for the second one. Aux. stands for the auxiliary
verb. The rules say in fact, "To form a passive sentence, reverse the
position of NP1 and NP2, and introduce the verb "be" in one of its
forms, a past participle affix, and a particle `by' between verb and NP1.
The syntactic component
consists of two sub components - The base sub-component and the
transformational sub-component. The base corresponds to the earlier phrase
structure rule; its function is to represent the underlying representations of
sentences, which is what provides the deep structure information.
Transformational sub-component produces surface structure.
While concluding we can
quote Noam Chomsky when he says, "The deep structure of a sentence is the
abstract underlying form which determines the meaning of a sentence. The
surface structure of a sentence is the actual organization of the physical
signal into phrases of varying size into words of various categories with
certain particles, inflectional arrangement and so on.
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